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Our People

Our Leadership Team is responsible for the day-to-day operation of TSB Banking Group plc and TSB Bank plc. 

Robin Bulloch

Role: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive Director

Robin Bulloch

Declan Hourican

Role: Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Director

Declain Hourican

Guy Dunlop

Role: TSB General Counsel

Guy Dunlop

Richard Lees

Role: Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

Richard Lees

George Gordon

Role: Communications and Corporate Affairs Director

George Gordon

Ariam Enraght-Moony

Role: Chief People Officer

Ariam Enraght-Moony

Vanessa Swanton

Role: Chief Audit Officer

Vanessa Swanton

Nicola Bannister

Role: Director of Enterprise Services

Nicola Bannister

Adam Lishman

Role: Chief Customer Officer

Adam Lishman

Cheryl McCuaig

Role: Chief Information Officer

Cheryl McCuaig

Andrew Davis

Role: Strategy Director

Andrew Davies

TSB Board

The Board is responsible for promoting the success of TSB Banking Group plc and TSB Bank plc by directing the companies' affairs.

The Board of Directors have diverse backgrounds and experience to help make us a better business.

Nick Prettejohn

Role: Chairman

Nick Prettlejohn

Robin Bulloch

Role: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive Director

Robin Bulloch

Declan Hourican

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Director

Declain Hourican

Morten Friis

Role: Senior Independent Non-Executive Director

Morten Friis

Andrew Simmonds

Role: Independent Non-Executive Director

Andrew Simmonds

Elizabeth Chambers

Role: Independent Non-Executive Director

Elizabeth Chambers

Judith Eden

Role: Independent Non-Executive Director

Judith Eden

Leopoldo Alvear
Role: Non-Executive Director and Sabadell Chief Financial Officer

Leopoldo Alvear

Marc Armengol
Role: Non-Executive Director and Sabadell Chief Operating Officer

Marc Armengol

Carlos Paz
Role: Non-Executive Director and Sabadell Chief Credit Risk Officer

Carlos Paz

Adam Banks

Role: Independent Non-Executive Director

Adam Banks

Zahra Bahrololoumi

Role: Independent Non-Executive Director

Zahra Bahrololoumi

Ahmed Essam

Role: Independent Non-Executive Director

Ahmed Essam

The Board of TSB Banking Group plc (the 'Board') as a whole is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the Company by directing the Company's affairs. Other than matters expressly reserved to the Board or the Board of TSB Bank plc (the 'Bank'), authority for day to day operation of the Company and Bank is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer. Certain decisions and executive action are reserved to the Chief Executive Officer. Other than matters expressly reserved to the Chief Executive Officer, authority can be delegated to the respective Functional Heads (Executive Committee members), jointly or severally.

Certain responsibilities of the Board and Bank Board are delegated to Committees of the Board to assist the Board and Bank Board in carrying out their functions and to ensure independent oversight of internal control and risk management. i.e. Remuneration, Nomination, Audit, Risk and Technology Strategy Committees.

The Audit Committee is made up of five members who are all Non-executive Directors and includes at least one member with recent and relevant financial experience. The Audit Committee is chaired by Judith Eden and its other members are Andrew Simmonds, Leopoldo Alvear, Libby Chambers and Morten Friis. The Audit Committee will normally meet at least four times a year at the appropriate times in the reporting and audit cycle.

The Audit Committee has responsibility for, amongst other things, monitoring the integrity of the financial statements of TSB and the involvement of the Auditors in that process as well as championing a straightforward and transparent culture to ensure that TSB operates within the Board approved risk appetite in respect of financial reporting and internal control. It focuses in particular on compliance with accounting policies and ensuring that an effective system of internal financial control is maintained. The ultimate responsibility for reviewing and approving the annual report and accounts remains with the Board.

Read Audit Committee Terms of Reference

The Nomination Committee is made up of five members who are all Non-executive Directors. The Nomination Committee is chaired by Nick Prettejohn and its other members are Marc Armengol, Andrew Simmonds, Libby Chambers and Morten Friis. The Nomination Committee will normally meet at least twice a year.

The Nomination Committee is responsible for considering and making recommendations to the Board in respect of appointments to the Board, the Board Committees and the chairmanship of the Board Committees. It is also responsible for keeping the structure, size and composition of the Board under regular review, and for making recommendations to the Board with regard to any changes necessary. The Nomination Committee also considers succession planning for the Board and Senior Management, taking into account the skills, knowledge, experience, diversity and leadership needs of TSB.

Read Nomination Committee Terms of Reference

The Remuneration Committee is made up of five members who are all Non-executive Directors. The Remuneration Committee is chaired by Libby Chalmers, an independent Non-executive Director, and its other members are Marc Armengol, Adam Banks, Judith Eden and Morten Friis. The Remuneration Committee will normally meet at least four times a year.

The responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee are to consider and recommend to the Board the framework of the remuneration policy of the Company, to identify TSB’s Material Risk Takers in terms of the European Banking Authority’s Regulatory Technical Standards, and to manage, consider and approve the remuneration arrangements of the Chairman, the Chief Executive, each direct report to the Chief Executive, other senior executives and employees who are designated as Material Risk Takers under the PRA Remuneration Code, or any other employee determined by the Remuneration Committee from time to time in accordance with the requirements of TSB’s regulators.

The Remuneration Committee also reviews the Company’s remuneration structures for compliance with regulatory requirements and corporate governance guidance and monitors the reporting and disclosure of such arrangements.

Read Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference

The Risk Committee is made up of five members who are all Non-executive Directors. The Risk Committee is chaired by Andrew Simmonds, an independent Non-executive Director and its other members are Carlos Paz, Adam Banks, Judith Eden and Morten Friis. The Risk Committee will normally meet at least four times a year.

The Risk Committee is responsible for championing a transparent and responsible risk culture within TSB, ensuring an appropriate balance between risk and reward which acts to deliver good outcomes for customers, a safe and resilient financial profile and collaborative relationships with the Sabadell Group's and TSB’s regulators. The Risk Committee oversees the maintenance, effectiveness and development of TSB’s risk management framework and its risk appetite, strategy, principles and policies to ensure that they are in line with regulatory, corporate governance and industry best practices.

Read Risk Committee Terms of Reference

The Technology Strategy Committee is made up of five members who are all Non-executive Directors. The Technology Strategy Committee is chaired by Adam Banks, an independent Non-executive Director and its other members are Marc Armengol, Zahra Bahrololoumi, Libby Chambers and Ahmed Essam. The Technology Strategy Committee will normally meet at least four times per year.

The Technology Strategy Committee is responsible for providing guidance, challenge and advice to the Board on TSB’s vision and strategy for technology.

Read Technology Strategy Committee Terms of Reference