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We've got you covered

Protecting your personal details and your money is our top priority. We’re using the high level of security you’d expect to keep your money secure. 

We're ready for the UK's new fraud rules


Our Fraud Refund Guarantee has given our customers industry-leading protection from fraud for over 5 years. Now, the Payment Systems Regulator is introducing rules, which will apply to all UK banks, for reimbursing certain types of fraud.

Illustrated calendar showing the date 07 October 2024

What we do

Fraud detection systems

Our fraud detection systems are monitoring your accounts 24/7. We're always on the lookout for suspicious activity.

Automatic log off

If there’s no activity on your online banking for 5 minutes, we’ll automatically log you off.

Use it or lose it

If you don’t log into your Internet banking for more than 12 months, we’ll disable the account.

Device profiling

Our systems keep a record of the devices you use. If a different device from a strange place tries to log in, we’ll catch it.

Data encryption

When banking online, all your data is transferred securely and encrypted.

Set up payments securely

When setting up a new payment, we’ll double check it’s really you doing it. We’ll do it with a text to your mobile or an automated call to a landline. Check the information in the “One-Time Passwords” section in the “What you can do” tab for more information.

For business customers, our Business Banking Authentication App lets you authenticate transactions, including setting up new payments and recipients.

Report suspected fraud

Find the fastest way to report your fraud on our ‘How to report fraud’ page.

How to cancel your card

You can cancel your card in the TSB Mobile Banking app or use one of the other options

Unsure about a transaction?

To help you identify a transaction you don’t recognise follow this guide.